
Parikowaro Naawa Village (Parikwarinau)

Parikowaro means grassland sparrow and naawa means hill. The village was named after the grandfather spirit of the bird, which is now sitting as a rock approximately 1 and a half km north from the centre of the village. It was closed down by a shaman because it was a sensitive rock and that is why this little sparrow is plentiful in that area. it is said that those birds are the grand children of that great spirit and indicate its presence.

Read more about: Parikowaronaawa Village

Potarinao Village

The village got its name from a giant stingray, that once lived in a deep pool found in Sawariwau river. The was a sensitive site with a spirit keeper but the early settlers had to close it down and they even had to kill the giant stingray (Potarudu). The village was also called Ambrose in the early 19th century but it was just named after the first Toshao of the village. The village is located in South Central Rupununi, region nine.

Read more about: Potarinau Village


Baitoon Settlement Baitoon is satellite to Potarinau village. Baitoon means “Muscovy ducks island” years ago there was a large lake with bush island surrounding it, there were the Muscovy ducks by the hundred s and thousands feeding in the lake and they normally use the bush islands for roosting and over flock the bushes, that is why the village is called “Baitoon” bearing the legend of it.

Read more about: Baitoon Settlement.

Katu ur Settlement

Katuur “katu wao’ oro”or “katuuwao” means sand creek. The settlement is located on the right bank of katuu wao. It is a wapichan community but most people speak portugese and some English. It is a satellite community to potarinao village and where the centre of the village is where the first settlers settled.

Read more about: Katu’ur Settlement


The name means wild pine place. The village is located on the left bank of Sawariwao creek, east of the Legendary Shizizi Mountain.

Read more about Shizizi Village 

Shulinab Village

The village was named after a palm tree called Shaorai. It is situated between the right bank of Sawariwao river and to the left bank of Sawarab creek. It is bordered to the eastern and northern boundaries by the Kanuku mountains

Read more about Shulinab Village

Katoonarib Village

“Katoonaru Iribi” means many bush island. Katoonarib English term.

Katoonarib was once a satellite of Sawariwao before it had its own schools, church and village council and its own administration. The first settlement was at Chibizai Toon naawa and at Mawarunao Airiisharda was one of the person owns other settlers.

Read more about: Katoonarib Village

Shawarawao’ro (Sawari Wa’o Village)

Shawarowaoro : means the grandfather spirit of fishes area in Pawi shian language. The place was named by a tribe many years ago before it was made into a village. The first settlements were at Koshada Paawaza and KowaibaTawwa north west of Sawariwau village approximately 14 miles. The chief of that settlers was Koshara a Dawuzai man.

Read more about: Sawariwau Village

Sand Creek

The Wapichan name for our Village is Soburun which means Howler Monkey home.

Read more about Sand Creek Village

Zooponao Village

The village name means Plum Hill. There is a bush island {where this fruit can be found} and the creek next to the village that goes with the fruit name.

Read more about Rupunau Village


Shii (Shea) Village is located in Region 9. It is about 100 miles South East by dirt road from Lethem and is bounded on the North by the rolling Kanaku Mountains on the East by the Quitaro and Rewa rain forest and the south and west ant the south Rupununi savannah. 

Read more about Shea Village

Marora Naawa Village 

The village is named after Giant Armadillo Hill. It is a Wapichan community with a few remaining families from the trauma tribe.

The village is located in the Deep South Sub district, and is a forest edge community. There are over 812 persons living presently in the village and about more than half the population have migrated.

 Read more about: Maroa Naawa Village

Awarewaunau Village

As of 1909, when first missionary came we already had permanent settlements at Atoro baoko, Baizu tao along Iishi wa’o. Early family names such as Paulin, Peter Ignacio, Marata, Edmund family, coom back Andrew, kadino’o (beard man) are still remembered today.

Read more about: Awarewaunau Village.

Aishara Toon Village

The name of our village means ‘Ishara fish poison plant island’.

Read more about: Aishara Toon Village.

Karaudarnau Village 

The village got its name from a very big snake, referred to as karau. 
Read more about: Karaudarnau Village.

Parabara Village

 The area has long been used by our ancestors. The main village site of today was opened by Uncle Henry Lawrence and his sons in 1983. The Wai Wai families came to join the funding families several years afterwards.

Read more about: Parabara Village.

Achawib Village

The village got its name from a wild garlic named “Achawi’’ which found growing abundantly along the village creek and on Achawib mountains sides. 
Read more about: Achawib Village.