World Environment Day 2024

As we celebrate World Environment Day 2024 the South Rupununi District Council would like to remind everyone that we have a right to a clean and healthy environment. Every action we as humans do has an impact on our life and our environment. Today…

Rupununi Workshop

This workshop is important for the young people to be sensitized about the wildlife in the villages

The first ever Rupununi Indigenous Women’s Conference was held in Annai Village, North Rupununi from January 6 – 9, 2020 

Under the theme; ” Empowering and Strengthening Indigenous Women: Working together for a green future.”This event was supported by WWF- Guianas through the Shared Resources Joint Solutions (SRJS) programme. This conference was jointly hosted by the South Rupununi District Council and  the North Rupununi…

The SRDC Youth Conference was held in Karuadarnau Village from December 16- 19 , 2019 

 under the theme: ‘Preserving, safeguarding and maintaining our pristine environment: through traditional practices and youth empowerment. This years youth conference brought together 189 youths from the variousvillages within the Wapichan Wiizi. Youths were placed into three groups, and for the four days were involved…

The SRDC held it’s last quarterly meeting for the year in Sawariwau Village from November 6-8, 2019

Over 200 persons attended the first day of the meeting. Discussions were held with Minister of Natural Respources Hon. Raphael Trotman  on the protection of the main water sheds in the South Rupununi. Minister updated all on the existing order of 2009 that prohibits…

 SRDC Alarmed by Fuel Spill in Creek

The South Rupununi District Council (“SRDC”), the representative institution of the 21 communities in the South Rupununi, expresses its grave concern over the pollution of Ikizapa Wao (“creek”), which falls within Aishalton Village’s titled lands, by a large diesel spill. Last Wednesday, October 10,…

Urgent action needed to prevent Dragga from Operating Illegally in the Kuyuwini and Upper Essequibo Rivers

Despite numerous commitments by the Government since December 2018, to date, no concrete steps have been taken to resolve the issue of the dragga in Parabara Village in the South Rupununi. In December of 2018, the South Rupununi District Council (SRDC) informed the Guyana…

South Rupununi council alarmed at ‘illegal’ river dredges in Kuyuwini River

By David Papannah  One of the dredges that is said to be operating on the Kuyuwini River. At least two river dredges are operating illegally in the Kuyuwini River in Region Nine in areas that were declared no mining zones, according to the South…

UN Echoes SRDC’s Concern over Discrimination Faced by Indigenous Women in Guyana

The South Rupununi District Council (SRDC) welcomes the Concluding Observations on Guyana by the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women released on 22 July 2019. The Committee’s Concluding Observations are timely and incorporate many of the SRDC’s recommendations…

The South Rupununi District Council held its quarterly statutory meeting in Awarewauanau Village

The South Rupununi District Council held its quarterly statutory meeting in Awarewauanau Village. Leaders from twenty-one communities of Wapichan Wiizi were present for three days of meetings from June 12- 14, 2019.  Participants at the SRDC Meeting in Awarewaunau