World Environment Day 2024

As we celebrate World Environment Day 2024 the South Rupununi District Council would like to remind everyone that we have a right to a clean and healthy environment.

Every action we as humans do has an impact on our life and our environment. Today we stand at a crucial juncture in history where our actions and activities determine that fate of our planet. Everything in nature was created as gifts to us, to sustain us, yet today these very gifts are under threat from various unsustainable practices.

Having seen the destruction gold mining and other extractive activities can have on our environment, as Indigenous people of the South Rupununi, we have been working to prevent deforestation and promote conservation of our lands and resources with the hope of protecting our current and future generations.

Each of us has a responsibility to protect and care for our environment. Today the SRDC encourages everyone to do their part by adopting good environmental practices in their homes, communities and country.

Our land, Our Future, We Are #GenerationalRestoration #WorldEnvironmentDay2024